Film Review: How to be a Serial Killer 3.5 of 5 Stars! (Good job!)

Jul 30, 2010 23:56

Well, I'm sure I mentioned here as well as in other locations that I'd review this film once I FINALLY saw it... XD That was today.

The premise is very amusing and the acting was in good form, the storyline was exquisite and very squee-worthy, plus the role-reversal or Dr. Spencer Reid (played by Matthew Gray Gubler in Criminal Minds) to Bart was awesome to see. It definitely made the film all the sweeter to me. It was well done to show what a killer perceives himself as versus the stark reality (Bart being the more realistic thing a killer is, but the main character was more like how he mentally perceives himself...) It was very comical and insightful, but if anyone was ever dumb enough to follow those steps they'd be caught in a forensic heartbeat. ^_^ Even though it pretended to be forensically savvy, I wonder how intentional some of the things they said in there are (you know, to deter any idiots from REALLY trying it... well, by 'deter' I mean make them get caught and wonder how or why.)

The cinematography behind it was well executed budget-film style and it made it feel more grainy and real. Truly, enjoyable... but I don't think I can show this to my coworker friends because I don't think they'd be quite savvy enough to see the 'joke' of it in the sense of how forensically fucked you'd literally be if you DID do it the way he showed. ^_^ As it is, if you took it at face value, it is like a manual, just not a manual you'd ever willingly follow if you like freedom/living. ^_^ Me, put thought into stuff like that...? Nevar. ^_~

My sister called while I was watching and admonished me for buying it, but honestly, my credit card's seen worse purchases to red flag the FBI. XD Mucccccch worse, and we call it Yaoi. XD Sadly, as I watched this, since the 'unsub' looks kinda like Hotch I started slashing Hotch and Bart!Reid in my mind. XD EVIL AND DELICIOUS! MWUHAH!

mgg, cm, film review, how to be a serial killer, gube, film review: how to be a serial killer, reid

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