Jun 06, 2004 21:20
Lately I've been seeing alot of interesting people on the Bus:
Today I saw my long lost friends from Strawberry Hill, my 1st elementary school from like grade k-2. I haven't seen them in a while so it was really weird. Natalie Bosak, and Jessica Macreie or something like that... They go to Princess Margaret now. I think I'm hanging out with them on Tuesday, maybe.
Yesterday I saw this guy who was on the bus, and he was drinking a cooler. He was also talking on the phone, telling his customer that if he didn't pay him for the dope that he would put lime on his cuts on his face. I have never been more scared in my life...
On Friday there was this homeless guy on the bus, and he was drinking his coffee. The was also sleeping, so he set his coffee aside and while he was sleeping it poured all over the seat, and on him. I felt really bad for him, because the lady sitting next to him totally freaked out on him. She was yelling at him to clean it up, and that he is so discusting he shouldn't take a bus. She said people like him should walk. I couldn't believe she; an old lady could be so cruel and heartless.
I've been messing up at work the last couple of days and I'm scared that I may lose my job. My manager is on a firing spree. 4 people in the last 3 weeks. 2 people just quit. Its horrible. So being understaffed, I find it hard to teach the new people, do my job and keep my manager sane while I am making a mistake, or fixing a mistake of the new people. Its horribe.
Everyone Apply at White ROck Pizza Hut.
Kim- Send me your resume, I can teach you everything before hand, so its easy!
that is all.