Jun 23, 2005 11:01
Last night, Kim, Kyle and I went out to White Rock to pick up pizza and pick up a 20 bag. When we finished that, we started to leave and catch our bus home but this guy came up to me and gave me 10 for the rest of the pizza.. Kind of wierd but I had to buy a lighter so i accepted. Than we came back, and went to Food Stop to buy a lighter. The guy their was a hindu and really wierd... but sure enough he sold me a lighter. Kim, than started talking to him. About guns and stuff.. :S I don't know what she was thinking. Than, if you could imagine we started walking back. And kyle said he knew someone who worked a subway. And than i relized that the only people that work their are brown. And I asked him, but surprisingly enough his friend was white. On the way to my house, we stopped at the park and blazed it up. Kim and kyle were already stoned after like 4 passes. And the pot was okay, i guess. So, we came back to my house. Kyle made a 3rd lung, and we still had his pipe. At my house on my balcony we smoked more... and more... and i was pretty ripped. But kim wasn't feeling good and wanted to go home. ANd at this point I was really sketching cause my dad was working, and they were sleeping over. Kim and Kyle stayed the night... and a little bit in the morning until they left at 630am to beat my dad coming home at 7. Than I woke up, and now I"m here and I got a call that I have to work early at 2. But Thats easy hour!>...fun stuff.. Peace