my phone that thinks its a camera never ceases to amaze and frustrate me. the n73 is notoriously sluggish.
but it does take a damn fine good picture.
- i must improve my posture. i think i have scoliosis. shit...
- note on above note... i spelled scoliosis correctly yet the red squiggly line below it insists otherwise. bullshit.
- i must learn how to save money. seriously.
- i just watched indiana jones and the byline that i can never remember with my dad. i ran into my friend gerard at the arclight who was watching the same movie... with his parents as well! i totally dodged the uncool bullet with that one. kidding.
- this weather makes me laugh. not like funny haha. more like funny sex-with-the-dead.
- oh! i almost forgot, zette is graduating tomorrow. i blame my job and for me not being there. if anyone is going to be at sf state tomorrow, please blow an air horn for her in my honor. thaaanks.