Aug 01, 2006 07:01
I'll be making a myspace bulletin about this as soon as their done doing 'routine matinence' on my page...but i just have to get this out to as many people as i can.
Fidel Castro no longer in power over Cuba.
Last night, local news stations began reporting that a letter had been read on Cuban television saying that Fidel Castro, for health reasons has temporarily given his brother, Raul Castro, control of the country.
There are many speculations. The fact that Fidel himself did not issue a statement of this magnatude says a lot. Fidel loves the cameras, loves making speeches, and loves the mic. The only thing we can conclude from this lack of presence is that he is physically unable to make the announcement. Either he had a severe stroke and is partially paralized from that, or he is dead.
I believe he is in such critical condition that he could not appear on television, and he does not believe he will survive the surgery he is about to undergo for gastric bleeding.
Raul Castro, although not as charismatic as his brother, is just a ruthless if not more. He is a much better organizer and administrator than Castro. While Castro was more likeable and energetic in his speech giving, Raul is more systematic and calculated in his movements. He is still a strong leader, although very different from his brother.
How much Raul will change in Cuba is not known. If Fidel is still alive, Raul may wait for the surgery to take place, and see if his brother survives it, before assuming real power, and making real changes.
If Fidel is already dead, Raul may begin making some small changes.
The biggest wild card is US relations. Raul is less stubborn and egotistical when it comes to US relations. Whereas Fidel took everything personal, as an afront to himself and his leadership of the country, Raul sees things in a more practical way and may want to stabalize US-Cuban relations.
As i said before all of this is speculation.
The organization I work for has already been identified by the government and many other agencies, as the one through which all US aid to the country (should the opening for it come) will be run through us. We will be the central hub for all Cuban interactions.
This is a huge deal! A HUGE responsibility, and as there are only 4 people in the entire ministry, I would really like to ask for your prayers on myself, and the ministry, Cuba, and the church over there. We all need wisdom - the US leaders need wisdom, the Cuban church leaders need wisdom, and the leaders of my organization need wisdom.
I know that Fidel is not in control, Raul is not in control, Bush is not in control, only God is in control of this situation.
So we will trust Him.
But i would appreciate your prayers!!!!