January has gone quickly, I was so excited about my holidays, and enjoying the spare time, and then suddenly, it was time to go to school again! I feel so bad, because I didn't actually got enough time to do all the things I wanted to do, but still, I think it was a great month. I lost 4kg!!! Which for me is pretty awesome, I made some Sherlock icons (which I hope I get time to upload next week), I finished two books!!! "A zombie's diary" which is by far one of the best books I have ever read, but it's only in spanish I'm afraid so. I'll probably talk more about it later, because I'm in love with it!
And most important of all... I finally read The Hunger Games!!!! And OMG!!! I'm so in love with it! I can't wait to read Catching Fire!!! And I totally ship Peeta/Katniss!!!! He's just so cute! <3
That's all for now, I'll be vidding all weekend because I haven't finished my OVC Challenge entry!!! XP
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