May 15, 2008 01:18

Yo. I'm back. Haa. Got my results back. Wasnt satisfying at all. And my art, due to my stupid laziness. My prep work was only 3. Mr Dass told me he kept counting and counting but still 3 prep work. & he mentioned b4 if less than 5 prep work fail. I PASSES! >< Due to th grace of Mr Dass. -.- He gave me 67. -_____________________- Let you see my final artwork. He said it was gd. Due to my fucking prep work. This kind of results. SUUUUUPPPPEEEEERRRRR ANGRY! 

How is it? Nice? Nt just 67 right! Sighs. So hard to draw. Lol. 3hrs hor. I fsiled th rest of my subjects except eng and SS >< WOO! I passed ss ley. Haaaa, This is how my door looks like. My sis getting married yay!

Lai lai. Bride price pls! >< 99999999$. LOL. This is my brides maid shoe. Chio hor. Chor also. It looks nicer in shoe LOL. Serious!


Shiny~~ haha. Today went for job hunting>< Waah. Super tired. SIans. Thn i gt pissed off gt i got abandoned with no hp and wallet on me. WTF. I nearly cried. I felt confused. TSK. serious! I was holding my temper cause i dont like this kind of things. Yana knws what happend:D Haaaaaaaa, Fuckfuck. I gt super pissed till i cnt tahan. SWEAR, Did really flare up la. Gt to control my temper. Tend to be short tempered at times. Yeah. Asked those nonsence boliao shop at JP . Askaskask. All say call you back. Talk cock one ley. Lol~ Anyways. At least we tried. Aft job hunting was bout 8plusplus~ I thn took th train with lyana, caroline went to tk a bus. I stopped at commonwealth and took a bus to CYRUS. Chiong marriage>< hahaha. Today is th 5th heart is giv -CLIQUE-xTEA. Thn he go buy cpl lisence. Thn we train 130bpm cpl first. Was kind of bad at first=x Tough. Too fast for cpl alr. Hahaha. Thn during th wedding ceremony we invited PEIPEI!!<3 , HUIWEN<33 And -CLIQUE-Junn. Lol. Yeah. Peipei was so nice to have donated 5k to us. While Huiwen only gave 500den. Lol. Anyways, its still th thought tt counts right? thanks guys<33 I dono what tt jun guy gave la but, most prolly minimun was tt amt. SO yeah. We failed th first time as predicted. =x Thn we chiong 2nd time. Guess what? IT WAS A SUCCESS>< YAY! Haha. Th last min we chiong perf. hahaha. Super stress man. Sobs. Only 3 ppl was able to attend th wedding. So no flower)): Awwww. hahahaha. Nice wedding though. WHeeeeeeeee. I got a ring abv my audi character! Waahahaha, Super happy. Lol. Whn i missed i was like spamming th board and slamming th keyboard. haha. Thn aft th wedding trained chnce with TEA. Yeah. Thn went home at bout 1130. Smoked & tk bus home~ And now i'm home. Good night. Phew. Long diary today. >< Hmm. So, yeah. Super lazy to go schl tmr. BOBIAN. No one pontan with me): SOBS. Broke also. Fuck man. Haa. Nightnight. 
-CLIQUE-PEAR. Oh yah. Married bout 1030pm. At cyrus lan. Free4. Room 031 i think-.- Forgot la. LOL. Blablabla. WHO CARES. NIGHT LAH.
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