Jul 08, 2006 12:27
vanesssa coyote: Hey
Duck Bogan: hellooo
Duck Bogan: is it the morning?
vanesssa coyote: Yup. 11:0
vanesssa coyote: 11:30
Duck Bogan: thats wild
Duck Bogan: the sun is just going down here
vanesssa coyote: Oooh lala
Duck Bogan: and i bet its just shining on your end
Duck Bogan: thats so wild
vanesssa coyote: Eh, it's head has been peekin' for a little bit
Duck Bogan: at 11:30?
Duck Bogan: like...am, right?
Duck Bogan: that fucking sun should be up god dammit
vanesssa coyote: Yeah, by ''little bit,'' I actually mean a few hours
vanesssa coyote: But I just woke up
vanesssa coyote: So I hold no account of the sun's actions
Duck Bogan: lol
vanesssa coyote: and can only guarantee it's ''upness'' the past half hour
Duck Bogan: that would be fucked up if people called your cell phone asking you why the sun wasn't up at its usual time
Duck Bogan: "Vanessa, what the fuck....why isn't the sun up. My solar powered bicycle is just SITTING here..."
vanesssa coyote: HAHAHAHA
vanesssa coyote: "ALSO, I need my pajamas picked up from the dry-cleaners... they had wrinkles. Wrinkles, Vanessa! WRINKLES."
Duck Bogan: "This has really messed things up for me....my rooster is outside, and he has no fucking clue whats going on, he doesn't know what to do"
vanesssa coyote: "Sir, it might be because he's on speed... and it's mating season... and the sun doesn't shine up a hen's dress, IF you know what I mean "
Duck Bogan: LOL
Duck Bogan: i'm using that quote
Duck Bogan: just to confuse someone
vanesssa coyote: hahaha
Duck Bogan: "Hey man, its like they say...sun don't shine up a hens dress"
vanesssa coyote: hahaha
vanesssa coyote: I'm glad someone likes my work
Duck Bogan: i'm a big fan
Duck Bogan: got all your albums
vanesssa coyote: I came up with a new cartoon yesterday
Duck Bogan: hit me
vanesssa coyote: There's this t-bone steak... who's just the biggest sweetheart there is
vanesssa coyote: and then there's this vindictive cupcake
vanesssa coyote: and the t-bone LOVES the cupcake, but the cupcake won't have him
vanesssa coyote: So the t-bone does all these romantic things for the cupcake, and the cupcake denies him every time
vanesssa coyote: THat's the premise.
Duck Bogan: T-bone should have this asshole friend who is Ham
Duck Bogan: Ham gives him ideas maybe...to win the love of cupcake
vanesssa coyote: When they dream, they don't dream of sugar plums...
vanesssa coyote: They dream of SPLENDA plums
Duck Bogan: hahahaha
Duck Bogan: pornographic plums
vanesssa coyote: I think I'll make his best-friend a rake
Duck Bogan: hahahaha
vanesssa coyote: or any various gardening tool
Duck Bogan: even better
Duck Bogan: i love it
vanesssa coyote: and the cupcake wears black panties
Duck Bogan: with stocking garders
vanesssa coyote: Naturally
vanesssa coyote: I had another idea
vanesssa coyote: There are these amoebas, right...
Duck Bogan: hit me
vanesssa coyote: three of them
vanesssa coyote: Their names are Hank, Lloyd and Webster
vanesssa coyote: Sort of a modern-day Three Stooges
vanesssa coyote: and these blobs work at a circle factory
vanesssa coyote: where they just draw circles all day
Duck Bogan: this sounds like one of ray's stories
vanesssa coyote: But then Triangle Corp. buys them out
vanesssa coyote: I don't know Ray
vanesssa coyote: and then they become temps
vanesssa coyote: and get into all different sorts of shananigans at each different job
vanesssa coyote: they even make an anti-drug commercial
Duck Bogan: god, i'd love to make a movie, or a short about that
Duck Bogan: to play behind us at one of our concerts
vanesssa coyote: I mean, let's face it... anti-drug commercials ARE THE FUTURE
vanesssa coyote: hahaha Yeah, I'm full of great ideas
vanesssa coyote: Like Sweetcheeks the Cowboy and Clyde the smooth-talking deer
Duck Bogan: god, the circle factory is the best idea i've heard in ages
vanesssa coyote: I want to do just a one-framed cartoon of Skittles eating people.
Duck Bogan: i'd love to have a movie where ray comes home from a hard day at the circle factory
Duck Bogan: and he's like...doing his work that he took home at the dinner table
Duck Bogan: like...he's trying so hard to draw a circle and he can't
Duck Bogan: and then maybe you could play the wife
Duck Bogan: and be like "Honey? do you want a sandwich or something"
vanesssa coyote: with my meatloaf
Duck Bogan: and then he says very politely, no thanks
vanesssa coyote: a MEATLOAF sandwich!
Duck Bogan: but then you walk away and he whispers "bitch.."
vanesssa coyote: And they have hats... did I mention the hats?
vanesssa coyote: Your typical blue-collared worker's hat.
Duck Bogan: no you did not
vanesssa coyote: The hat of a guy who likes meatloaf.
Duck Bogan: truck driver hat
vanesssa coyote: Webster can have one of those... he lives in a trailer
Duck Bogan: and meat pies
vanesssa coyote: They have those hats that guys used to wear
vanesssa coyote: Not a top hat... fuck. I can't think of the technical name
Duck Bogan: derby?
vanesssa coyote: One'll be wearing one of those
vanesssa coyote: Kind of like that, but not rounded on top
Duck Bogan: a fedora?
vanesssa coyote: Actually, Lloyd will just wear Kevin Federline on his head
Duck Bogan: hahahahaha
Duck Bogan: man, fuck kevin federline, i can't believe that guy gets paid more than me
vanesssa coyote: But yeah, a fedora!
vanesssa coyote: Yeah!
vanesssa coyote: SERIOUSLY
Duck Bogan: i can't believe football players make more than people who will lay their lives on the line
Duck Bogan: crazy...
Duck Bogan: yet another reason why america is fucked
vanesssa coyote: I KNOW!
vanesssa coyote: I always get into that argument
vanesssa coyote: and everyone's like "it's the entertainment industry"
vanesssa coyote: And it's like... Doctor's SAVE people's lives in the comfort of an operation room, wholly prepared for their task
vanesssa coyote: and they don't make pocket change
Duck Bogan: no, its AMERICANS as a whole
vanesssa coyote: And then there are soldiers and firemen and police officers
Duck Bogan: I think its fucked up that we even HAVE rich people
vanesssa coyote: and they all make shit comparibly and are constantly laid off
Duck Bogan: there should be a law about how much money you can have
Duck Bogan: because people just throw it away on stupid shit
vanesssa coyote: Exactly.
Duck Bogan: man, when I get home, its going to be like... rock X 100 = me at home
vanesssa coyote: I KNOW
vanesssa coyote: I"M SO EXCITED
Duck Bogan: i hope that is...
Duck Bogan: i'm hoping...east coast tour with my band
vanesssa coyote: Cause I'm not funny by myself. I need Tim Del Vecchio as a sidekick
vanesssa coyote: Can I sell merch!?
vanesssa coyote: haha
Duck Bogan: fuckin' a
Duck Bogan: we need merch to SELL
Duck Bogan: lol
vanesssa coyote: Haha Yeah, that's probably important
Duck Bogan: This sounds like stuff we can let simmer at eat n park
vanesssa coyote: YES
vanesssa coyote: IDEALIST
Duck Bogan: lol
vanesssa coyote: Me and Stace saw a funny movie lastn ight
vanesssa coyote: The Devil Wears Prada
Duck Bogan: whats it about?
vanesssa coyote: This frumpy girl who becomes a major fashionista's assistant
vanesssa coyote: and slowly she turns into a fashionista herself
vanesssa coyote: and she's constantly running around doing her chores and it takes a toll on her social life
vanesssa coyote: But there are plenty of character's providing comic relief
vanesssa coyote: Lots of silly gays
Duck Bogan: of course
vanesssa coyote: Man, I can't wait for you to join in on the eat 'n park sensation
vanesssa coyote: Except that only includes me and Stacey
vanesssa coyote: Normally it's just her and I and a cup of coffee
vanesssa coyote: OH
vanesssa coyote: And Brandy and Darryl...
Duck Bogan: we used to gather there after we played at borders
vanesssa coyote: And these sixty year old men that I hangout with... speaking of which, I need to call them.
Duck Bogan: LOL
Duck Bogan: you have their numbers?
vanesssa coyote: Haha Yeah. I have their business cards
vanesssa coyote: Seriously, they just have so much more to say
vanesssa coyote: and you've only got a little bit to hear it in
vanesssa coyote: Because they're gettin' old
Duck Bogan: i want to do some iraqi cooking for you guys
vanesssa coyote: Oh? Description?
vanesssa coyote: I'm sure it's delicious. I LOVE middle-eastern food
Duck Bogan: rice wrapped in spinach leaves with chicken
Duck Bogan: shredded lamb and tomato in some yummy bread
vanesssa coyote: almost like spinakopita... but with spinach!
Duck Bogan: lol
vanesssa coyote: Haha Maybe's a good time to mention that I'm a vegetarian?
Duck Bogan: well you don't have to eat the lamb stuff
vanesssa coyote: Haha Well, yeah.
vanesssa coyote: I just wanted to melt your party butter.
vanesssa coyote: Ew, that sounds kind of perverted... but I didn't mean it like that!
Duck Bogan: LOL
Duck Bogan: hahaha
Duck Bogan: thats another quote i'm using
vanesssa coyote: Boy, I'm just full of 'em today!