Hogwartz parade

Jul 20, 2017 10:57

In a dream about Hogwartz, I was Harry Potter, but I was also omniscient and knew things my character didn't know.

In one early episode I saw what was supposed to be a primitive electrical plug. It had one prong shaped like the tip of a soldering iron, but was much larger, and we stuck it into an even larger metal crevice to make contact. I don't remember what it's function was, or how it related to the rest of the dream.

We had already fended off on earlier attack against Hogwartz, in which bad things had happened to good people. Somebody ended up covered with rose petals, but this represented something much more serious. I don't remember much else about the first attack. I knew a second attack was coming, but Harry and the other characters didn't realize this.

We were getting ready for a Hallowe'en parade. In the middle of the parade, I was supposed to pull some kind of surprise stunt. This was a ceremonial role. Everyone knew something was going to happen, but only Harry and a few friends knew what and when it would happen. Harry had performed this role for the past several years (I guess this was my preferable, more cerebral alternative to being the seeker in Quidditch). I seemed to be ill-prepared, uncertain what the stunt was going to be. However, I was also omnisciently aware that another malicious attack was coming and would be coordinated to exploit Harry's show.

I was in a dressing room with Hermione, who was "played by" Mary Jean (a lifelong friend whose family owns a cottage near ours, and who does look a bit like Emma Watson). There was someone else there helping us get ready. They had a wispy, incorporeal quality I've recently noticed about secondary characters in my dreams. I couldn't really see this character except that he or she seemed to be wearing a white shirt. Mostly they were helping Hermione get dressed. I was just hanging out and talking to somebody like Professor McGonagall (who was also invisible), who was checking up to make sure our stunt plans were in place.

I left the dressing room. Our school resembled the early 20th Century building where I went to school as a small child. So it had wide, straight staircases and lots of big windows. I went upstairs and down a long, dimly lit corridor to a boys' change room. A friend of mine (Ron?) and two wispy, incorporeal boys were in there having showers. I talked to them, but I don't remember what about.

The next thing I remember I was in a different waiting room with Hermione again. We were sitting and talking on a couch and there was a coffee table in front of us. Something ominous started happening: an invisible presence came into the room. This was the begining of the attack I was anticipating (but Harry and Hermione didn't know about).

Harry and Hermione invoked some magical helpers: a man and woman and one or two children who were members of a family. They were supposed to interview us, and by asking us questions they would help us solve the problem. We communicated with Professor McGonagall and some others by intercom, updating them with this development and letting them know we had it under control. But I would have to leave, because the parade was about to begin. Hermione was supposed to be part of the parade, too, but she would have to stay behind and fend off whatever attack was coming.

As I prepared to leave, the helpers began tying Hermione into a chair. They were tying her arms to the arms of the chair with bands of white cloth. This was a necessary part of the spell, as it allowed them to interrogate her properly while also giving them control of the situation. But omnisciently I knew that this was also part of the attack. The enemy had anticipated how we would respond to the situation and had intervened by sending helpers who were part of their plan. As I left the room and the dream ended, Hermione was in deep trouble.

(It seems important to reveal here that rope bondage is one of my kinks: I enjoy being restrained. During the depressive episode of the past two years I lost much of my interest in sex, particularly in any sexual play that required extra effort. However, since my mood began improving several months ago, my libido has been edging back. So has my interest in sexual toys. Only yesterday, I was playing around with my favourite rope harness and my desk chair. So this dream made an unusually and surprisingly literal reference to waking life. I guess it was referencing whatever psychological implications bondage has for me. However, Hermione's predicament was completely non-sexual and more dangerous than playful. In the way of Hogwartz stories, I was 95% certain that she would escape or be rescued in the end.)

bondage, dreams

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