2013: my year of health

Dec 30, 2012 13:55

During 2010 and 2011 I took significant advantage of the 6 Changes approach to personal improvement. Notably, Leo Babauta has dropped the  6 Changes website and revised his philosophy to a more marketable form. Apparently simplicity is more worthwhile if it's profitable.

18 months ago my little changes got derailed by big ones: moving in with Danny, establishing a household for the first time in 16 years, shifting to more local food, planting a vegetable garden, getting a diagnosis for sleep apnea, hiring a writing coach, relaunching a freelance writing career and, most recently, figuring out how to keep the family cottage. There has been plenty of goal-setting and not much time to think or talk about it, except with my coach.

Meanwhile some important matters have sat on a back burner, particularly my diet and fitness. Needless to say, I cannot afford to leave them there. I am not comfortable with my weight and my cholesterol was high last time it was tested. My life has reached a new normal, and now is the time to address some details.

2013 must be my year of health, as far as I can control it. I need to revisit the 6 Changes, or perhaps an alternative, since its original philosopher has decided the best goal is no goal.

improvement, 6 changes

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