4½ out of 6 changes ain't bad

Dec 18, 2010 20:33

Especially considering several of them have been significant life changes.

Much time has passed since the last check-in about my 6 changes for 2010. Now the time has come for me to consider 2011. Honestly, I've been thinking about it all year. Since I first decided which goals to include, I've been aware of those excluded. However, the whole purpose of this process is to stay focused. If I attempt to do too much I am defeating myself as surely as if I try to change nothing at all.

First, here is a recap of my list for 2010:
  1. Jan/Feb: Focus daily on creative writing. A+. I have not missed writing on 100 words a single day this year, in fact I have missed writing it first thing in the morning less than 10 days. I performed less consistently on writing an additional 200 words in a separate private journal, however the word count there is 54,332, an equivalent of 271 days. I cannot say whether it has brought me closer to publishing any fiction or poetry, but the point was simply to resume writing consistently, and I have.
  2. Mar/Apr: Establish and maintain a budget. A-. This morphed into an endeavour to refinance my debt and set up an emergency fund. This was one of the best things I have done for myself in recent years. In the process I also worked out a budget. I had to put some major car expenses on my credit card, and I have not been scrupulous about staying within my budget throughout the year, but overall I have made better than expected progress. It feels hopeful.
  3. May/Jun: Exercise daily. F. It simply didn't happen. Although I continue to make a point of walking whenever possible, I am not getting any more exercise now than at the beginning of the year.
  4. Jul/Aug: Learn to weave. B+. Yes, I did it. My disappointment here reflects the fact that I did not continue weaving on a regular basis past the early part of September. I have a project set up on the loom and will continue with it, but other priorities have necessarily taken precedence.
  5. Sep/Oct: Research and make plans for further employment. A. After a delayed start, this one became exciting and consuming. I commenced a self-directed course in nature writing, and found an opportunity to begin freelance writing web content during my free evenings. On Monday i expect to receive the first payment. It will only be $36 for about 19 hours of work, but I am enjoying it, gaining experience I can put on a resumé, expecting the work to become more lucrative, and discovering new avenues to explore when I am ready.
  6. Nov/Dec: Plan and prepare healthy meals. C. Once the previous objective got going, it took precedence over this one. I have not had any spare time for cooking. However this area of my life has benefited from progress in others. Generally I feel more optimistic, energetic and motivated (even despite a period of insomnia from Nov. 7 to Dec. 12), so I have been more mindful of self-care and my diet has improved. I resumed taking vitamin supplements. I never tackled the idea of assembling a cookbook.
Overall, 2010 has been a good year. Enough writing for tonight. Next post, I hope to outline some ideas for 2011.

6 changes

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