
Jun 06, 2010 19:22

The exercise is not coming along especially well. I did not lift weights after work on Wednesday and Thursday as planned.

Wednesday afternoon was rough. After lunch I went back to the shop and was there about half an hour when I got hit with intense fatigue. I could hardly stay on my feet and had to leave work. Just as I was leaving, Denis came in and said I better close my car window (I hadn't left it open, but he didn't know that). It was starting to rain. Halfway home, an intense low pressure system brought a heavy downpour.

I am a human barometer. Half the time when I feel horrible I just have to look outside to realize a storm is coming on. Sometimes I get a migraine, sometimes flu-like symptoms, sometimes sudden, intense depression. Wednesday I came home and within a few hours was feeling better.

But no workout that day.

Work has been heavy. Some days I have to move big loads of lumber from one machine to the next. Thursday afternoon was like that. Friday we loaded some frames and panels in the van, drove it to a small furniture factory to put through a sander that can handle large pieces, loaded it back in the van and returned to our shop.

Days like that are an intense workout. My body does not need more exercise, it needs to rest at the end of the day. This exercise counts. Which is fine for the moment, but for the long run it doesn't help me build the daily habits I need to stay in good condition.

hangnaildhole was here for the weekend and after walking on some errands around downtown, we went for a good hike along the Eramosa River. It was gorgeous. For those who like water pictures, here's a new one. I've been wanting an Eramosa River icon and used the photo to create one. It's not ideal, but I'll go with it until something better comes along.

There were lots of pretty insects to photograph. Ebony jewelwings were out in number, and I stalked many of them. They're one of the most beautiful insects I see regularly, and it would be wonderful to catch an artful image of one. Unfortunately they were skittish, and I was unable to take any new photos of them.

When we got home I felt a slight tightness in my thighs above the knee, a message that my legs had had a good workout. This kind of exercise fits with my goal, absolutely, and I would like to do more of it. Bryon likes hiking, too, so we'll go whenever we can.

My boss will be away most of this week. I have plenty to do around the shop, however it should be lighter, so maybe I'll have more chances to lift weights. I'll try for Monday and Wednesday after work.

Come to think of it, why not this evening? I can and will.

weight-lifting, 6 changes, exercise, weather, organ building, eramosa river, hiking

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