If you love Canada because it is a gentler, more tolerant neighbour to the United States, a new book released this week should raise alarm bells.
The Armageddon Factor by Marci McDonald investigates the rise of right-wing Christian nationalism in this country, and its growing influence in Stephen Harper's Conservative government. I haven't read the
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I'm not too discouraged by the recent poll; if you look at the trend (www.pollingreport.com) it's apparent that Harper is really neither gaining or losing on his already lukewarm support; and in Quebec and Ontario, he's been losing support.
I don't know about that; her analysis and predictions echo gut intuition I've felt about Harper from the beginning. I've been in that place (born again), I know how they justify imposing their values on others, and it gives me the willies. Besides, this is not a big stretch of the imagination. We've seen it happen elsewhere, to the detriment of personal freedom. McDonald does not predict it will happen overnight. She says the rise of social conservatism as a political influence in the States has taken 30 years. The Star article pointed out most Canadians assume we have legal separation of Church and State; we do not. That was a surprise to me.
There's been all sorts of predictions about future social or economic conditions that never really came about. Skepticism is always warranted.
Please let me emphasize that I don't like Harper and I'm not defending him, or his policies. I just think that there are forces socially and politically that have the power to counterbalance what he may try to do.
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