
Apr 24, 2010 08:30

This morning I passed the 20,000 word mark in my 200-words-a-day exercise begun on January 14. Today is the 101st day. Although I've skipped the writing a handful of times, other days I wrote more than the quota, so it turns out I've kept pace pretty well. At this rate I could write a substantial novel in 500 days.

The problem would be staying focused on one thing. My original intention was to chug away at Pilgrim's Cross, but I was soon frustrated and gave up. So I write about whatever comes to mind. I try to concentrate on stories, vignettes, imagery, ideas, but occasionally it disintegrates into outright whining.

Sometimes I think it is not achieving anything. On the other hand writing has becoming a vital part of daily life again. I seldom have time for evenings sessions (which tend to be more fertile), but when I do, I am better prepared to maximize the benefit. My senses are becoming more alert to the things about life that supply content for writing. So the specific purpose, to "Focus daily on creative writing," has fallen soundly into place.

At various times I have concluded that Pilgrim's Cross does not want to be written, that I should free my mental resources to concentrate on something else. I always waver on that conclusion. I do not want it to be. All I can do for now is carry on what I'm doing and see what happens. There will be other times and goals for turning this productivity to a specific purpose.

It's also nice to note that since this good habit was well established, I have managed to continue without the necessity of blathering about it here, or to put it another way, without accountability. All I need is a mental flag to set for myself, a commitment that if I should ever run into trouble maintaining this habit, I must tell people.

pilgrim's cross, writing, 6 changes, creatiivity

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