
Jul 10, 2009 09:52

Paula says I have an affinity for stone. We have been working a few days at a time on the patio and pond. She doesn't enjoy making precise measurements so much of the actual stonework has fallen to me. In this formal design the stones have to be perfectly aligned and neatly trimmed along the edges. Paula is a farm girl, so meanwhile she has been happy to slog away in The Pit, that rectangular hole we're creating for a pond with koi. Read more about my relationship with stone in my latest post in The Yarn.

And here is the odd hydraulic device, called a guillotine, I use for cutting stones to fit around the edge of the patio. This is a bit old-fashioned, but Paula is averse to saws, and it's pleasant to avoid the dust and noise.

Apart from helping Paula, the contract with Les has not commenced as anticipated, work has been scarce, and anxiety has frequently been over the top. As usual these times cause me to recoil into the privacy of computer games at the end of the day, so I have not much been present here.

At least I have been busy. It is exciting to find The Yarn continuing to unfold from some fertile inward grotto, and see the quality of the stories influenced by the colourful process of knitting. Danny and I took a blissful retreat to Lake Fletcher last weekend, although this time I was unable to stop worrying. Now dakoopst is here for a few days' visit, which is providing a welcome distraction.

Last night we went to a DJ dance party at Ed Video, a local media arts establishment that has been around at least since the 80s, but which I have somehow never visited before. Several OOTS folks were there, including Brandon, the DJ. My friend Jen and her friend did an invigorating yoga dance routine that the whole audience participated in. Then someone I didn't know, a choreographer, presented an idea she is working on. It reminded me again what interesting opportunities and connections are available in this city.

I could stand to get out more. Hopefully moving closer to downtown on August 1 will facilitate that. I have barely started to pack.

yarnblanket, stone, guelph, employment, anxiety, cottage life, moving, friends

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