Of course the problem with my decision to concentrate on creating visual art is that I haven't given priority to developing these skills over the years. I have always written in one form or another. But even drawing, one of the art forms I do best, has been set aside for years at a time. Now there are various skills I want to master, but how should I approach them: bookmaking, weaving, Photoshop, printmaking, dyeing, paper making, calligraphy? I have dabbled at several of these. Others like weaving I have never even tried. Some I can teach myself effectively (there are free online workshops that outline the basics of Photoshop), but others require something more intensive.
Last night I dozed off at my computer and dreamt of a scrawny man with bulging eyes, sitting at a harpsichord. He was some kind of teacher, and he was snearing at me.
I probably can't afford to go back to school, but perhaps some of these ideas can be approached in a less formal manner. Weaving and bookmaking concern me the most. This issue of skills development is apparently one of the "black holes", as described in the book Creating a Life Worth Living: problems for which I can't see a clear solution, and need to do more brainstorming with friends. On Monday I have booked an interview with Louisa at Studio 490. Maybe she will have some ideas.
I will be away for most of the coming week. Mom's youngest sister, Aunt Nancy, and her husband are coming from Nova Scotia and the family is having a barbecue tomorrow afternoon, so I'm going to Poplar Bluff for the weekend. Monday I'll return home for the day. Dad will come to stay the night, then Tuesday morning we'll drive north together to open the cottage. One morning next week I will do my annual route for the Breeding Bird Survey. I'll return home again next Friday. I won't have internet access for most of this time.
This view of the morning sky was taken from the abandoned factory compound at the end of my block. Trying to portray remarkable qualities of light is one of the challenges that intrigue me most as an artist.