Exercise: alphabet alliteration

Feb 03, 2007 13:26

As suggested by lisalemonjello.
  • A: amusement, alphabet, anniversary, agenda, appetite; attack, appeal; archaic, actual
  • B: baleen, beluga, bridge, bestiary, bond; bribe, banish; brown, banal
  • C: capsule, coast, chart, channel, choreography; catch, creep; cryptic, close
  • D: dandelion, dragon, denizen, donation, derision; decide, divide; diseased, dental
  • E: eclipse, epilogue, eventuality, easement, eagle; elapse, eke; early, essential
  • F: fraternity, fly, fright, focus, ferret; fetch, flee; flagrant, flippant
  • G: grandmother, gaggle, growth, government, glee; gobble, grace; gory, gonadal
  • H: hansom, holiday, hope, horror, hate; help, heave; hallucinogenic, hard
  • I: icicle, impotence, island, irritability, illusion; insinuate, impend; ill, inept
  • J: joke, jaguar, javelin, jest, jubilee; jump, jumble; jealous, jarring
  • K: karate, king, knight, kite, kibble; kill, kiss; known, kind
  • L: loss, lunatic, lavatory, lotion, loom; love, leave; labile, loquacious
  • M: moss, maniac, moratorium, movement, missive; make, maroon; monstrous, moral
  • N: nettle, noose, notary, novel, nerve; nibble, nestle; new, numinous
  • O: opium, opossum, olive, oligarchy, origin; oppose, open; oval, odd
  • P: pretense, practitioner, penitentiary, probe, prose; prevent, pack; prior, pleasant
  • Q: quintessence, qualm, queen, quest, question; quiver, quit; queer, quick
  • R: river, rabble, resonance, rival, rogue; rave, rumble; red, romantic
  • S: satin, stove, stationery, sample, sore; state, salivate; stable, stupid
  • T: table, tenderness, tile, treacle, temper; try, trounce; torrential, timid
  • U: use, urgency, uplands, universe, unguent; unfold, understand; ugly, umpteenth
  • V: vacuole, vehemence, vanity, variation, verse; vex, vanish; vocal, valuable
  • W: wreckage, wombat, weasel, winter, work; wobble, wrench; wise, willing
  • X: xenophobe, xanthan, xi, xylophone, xenon; xerox, x-ray; xeric, xerothermic
  • Y: yacht, youth, yokel, yarrow, yeast; yell, yellow; yearly, yielding
  • Z: zipper, zone, zephyr, zebra, zit; zoom, zip; zealous, zesty

The capsule crept a close choreography along the channel, charting the coast. Its denizens, diseased dragons, were divided by derision. Their essential eclipse elapsed into the eventuality of an early epilogue, gory with the growth of government by a gaggle of grandmothers, gobbling with glee. Insinuating irritability, inept with the illusion of an impending island, their monstrous moral movement made moratorium, marooning all these quick, quivering queens of qualms. They quit their quest. Vocal vehemence vexed all variation, and vanity vanished. Wise weasels worked willingly to wrench the wreckage. Winter yielded to youth, and a yearly yell on the yellowing yacht.

writing exercise

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