Dream: bridge-building and an animated saw

Dec 23, 2006 09:07

I was apprenticed to build suspension bridges (instead of pipe organs), however I had no employer, only two accomplice apprentices. These were M. and J. (the two friends I made through the anxiety support group, but have lost contact with IRL since last spring because of some drama with J.). We lived communally in a haunted parking garage.

Part of learning to build bridges apparently involved writing novels, so we were trying to start manuscripts. M. and J. had never done this before, and didn't know how, but I tried to help them. trinapink was also a member of the guild, and making more progress than any of us. We decided to participate in NaNoWriMo. I was frustrated by the number of false starts I had made, but a masculine-feminine individual with characteristics of both writer00 and machineplay appeared and convinced me it would be okay to continue a file I had already opened, which provided one very promising chapter.

We (M. and J. and I) decided to attend every bridge recital in the Kitchener-Waterloo and Guelph area. Whenever a new suspension bridge was built, its builder would give a recital. Our plan was complicated by the fact that all three of us were losing our driver's licenses. J. had been caught drinking and driving, while I had failed to pay a fine for a minor offence. M. couldn't afford to get a new one. Somehow, between the three of us, we figured out how to get to the first recital.

The dream turned into an animated spin-off of Futurama, in which the main character was a circular saw. Another character, an electric can-opener (which looked like the shoe that got dipped early in Who Framed Roger Rabbit), was universally reviled because he had the power to order others into stasis. At the beginning of the second season these two were having a conversation, when suddenly the can-opener declared, "Hey, I haven't put you into stasis yet!"

With that a large slot machine appeared and the saw got sucked toward it. As he got pulled into the slot on front, he accidentally severed the lever, which got pulled in with him. He emerged on the other side, not in stasis, but with an ugly metal extension projecting from his blade, like a huge nose.


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