
Jun 20, 2006 19:56

Pete trapezebear is one of the important people in my life, but we were long overdue for some good, one-on-one, reconnecting time. Last time he was here was June 2004. We've just been hanging out in Guelph the past two days, doing all the things that bears do best, like watching sappy movies.

This gorgeous afternoon we drove to Elora and saw a striking great blue heron wading below the falls. Back in Guelph I was amazed to see two minks sunning on rocks beside the Speed River, practically right downtown. They were slightly scruffy and unwary, just nosing around, so I suspect they were young. Is kits the word? It's a rare treat to spot one along the lakeshore at my cottage, perhaps three times in 25 years. Never dreamt I'd see one in Guelph.

Tomorrow Pete catches an early bus back to Boston, then I'll leave for two days alone with Marian at the cottage, and to do the Breeding Bird Survey. I'll be out of touch until Friday.

Busy, busy, busy, but the visit with Pete is nourishing, as will be some quiet time on the dock at Lake Fletcher, weather permitting.

friends, guelph, wildlife, birding

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