Two Rivers

Nov 01, 2005 22:55

Sylvie had suggested volunteering to establish work experience. This morning I dropped into the volunteer centre. The receptionist gave me a form to fill out and showed me two large binders of job listings sorted by interest. A smaller binder lists the most current postings. This week's sheet showed five opportunities.

Two Rivers Neighbourhood Group is seeking volunteer administrators. The organization conducts social development services out of a school basement in my neighbourhood. Last summer Sylvie used a plot in Two Rivers' community garden. Community development interests me. I phoned and arranged an interview tomorrow morning at 11.

They do a police check and Family and Children's Services check on all staff. This freaked me out. I have no record of any kind, but it stirred up old bullshit about me being an unfit father, the church equating gayness and pornography with pedophilia. I would rather disclose my orientation upfront and work in a supportive environment. But the last thing I need is a sticky issue right away.

I called Sylvie this evening. She believes the group will be open-minded. But tomorrow is only a fact-finding session. I don't have to make decisions or reveal anything that makes me uncomfortable.

volunteering, community, homophobia, job search, guelph, coming out

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