
Oct 25, 2005 13:47

I had contemplated a carefully worded post, but fortunately others broached the subject first. If suicide were not such a taboo subject, perhaps it would hold less power over those isolated by pain. I believe we must respect an individual’s choice and responsibility for his or her own life. We can offer love and support to those around us. We must also let them go.

The contemplation of suicide visited me during my worst bouts of depression in 1983 and again in 1995. I was too terrified of death and couldn’t bear to part with beauty.

Although I had spent a little time with theatrebear, I can’t say I knew him well. His death affects me more because he had been a significant figure in the lives of a few men I am close to. Ironically, I had seen him frequently around Church Street of late. Danny and I passed and greeted him after we left O’Grady’s on Friday night. Getting out was probably part of his process of saying goodbye.

I plan to spend the afternoon downtown and drive home to Guelph this evening. This weekend I intend to visit friends in Campbellville and Kitchener affected by Goody’s departure.
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