Wayne Besen

Jun 21, 2005 17:50

A few people on my friends list will be interested in the most recent post on Wayne Besen's blog:

The New Fighters of Faith and ReasonIt often seems like the religious left won't realize it has a dog in the fight against fanaticism until the right's pit bulls are lunging at its timid throat. For too long, Christian moderates have been invisible, submissively surrendering and allowing the most destructive elements in America to claim the mantle of God. Fortunately, it appears that people of faith and reason are finally awakening from their long scriptural slumber.
Besen won notoriety several years ago for photographing ex-gay poster boy John Paulk crusing a gay bar in Washington DC. He's author of Anything But Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Myth. I've been following his blog for several months, primarily because of his interest in the ex-gay movement. But his column also critically addresses the religious right on a much broader set of issues. It's well worth following. His site doesn't seem to offer an RSS feed, but I subscribe to his column by email.

blogging, queer, ex-gay movement, christian fundamentalism

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