Uberfun: Bandit, the cedar waxwing

May 22, 2003 14:46

The most interesting and lovable pet I ever had was a cedar waxwing. I found him as a featherless nestling when I was about 16. His nest had been raided by squirrels. I picked him up, not expecting him to live. But he did, in my parents' sunporch for 14 years.

I named him Bandit for his looks, but it suited his personality, too. Waxwings are gregarious, eccentric birds. These traits carried over into the life of our family, of which he became an irreplaceable part. He was the quintessential charmer; seven inches of verve and camaraderie. He wanted to be neither above us, like a cat, nor below us, like a dog, but our equal.

I have given a fuller account of Bandit's life in a series of three articles I wrote for Suite101.com in 2000. The first is Masked bandit on the wing, Part 1. Click the "Next Article" link at the top of each to access the next.

Waxwings are nomadic creatures always searching for their preferred food, berries. They will vanish for weeks or months, then reappear unexpectedly in large numbers. They don't have much of a song, just a high, thin whistle. The sound of a flock flying overhead always brings a lump to my throat.

If I could choose any animal for a pet I would say, without hesitation, another cedar waxwing. However if I ever found a stranded nestling again I would do the right thing and deliver it to a wild bird clinic.

This post is uberdaddybear's uberfun task for the day.

birds, childhood memories, pets

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