First Riot: It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like... Where Am I?

Dec 14, 2011 20:15

[The first thing Nash thinks when he wakes up is that there must be something seriously wrong with the Spring of Transmission. Last time it was malfunctioning it just sent him and his companions a few feet south of their intended destination. But this... where in the world is this? He's in some sort of garishly decorated room with no circular transmission stone in sight and, even more worrying, none of those annoying bumpkins he was supposed to be looking after.

The second thing he thinks comes hot on the heels of the first: Why can't I feel my magic? Or any magic, for that matter? It's as though the air around him is completely dead and it's a scary, suffocating feeling for a boy so used to always feeling that comforting hum.

There's another blockage somewhere, he thinks, trying to rationalize this. There's another blockage and all I've gotta do is find it and fix it. Without my magic. Ugh!

Well. Nothing else for it. He gets up, not bothering to change out of his Mayfield-given pajamas, and makes his way downstairs.]

A: Action for Housemates (339 Brady)

[Nash is looking for supplies in the currently-powerless house and not finding any.]

Come on, what sort of backwoods idiots don't even own a basic staff...

B: Action; Out and About

[Nash is wandering through the streets in his pajamas, looking understandably frozen to the bone and with bare feet no less! He's looking for a suitable village square to stand in and proclaim how much he hates this podunk town, but he hasn't been able to find one yet.]

!event: a lot like christmas, !action, !intro

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