Jun 13, 2011 11:49
The Miami Heat and LeBron James lost the NBA Finals to the "less talented but apparently beloved for no other reason than they NOT LeBron James" Dallas Mavericks. I love LeBron. I identify with him a great deal. Here is a kid who didn't come from a great background, but because of talent he was born with was given pretty amazing opportunities from a young age. He also got impossible expectations placed on him. He was the second coming of Basketball Jesus AKA Michael Jordan.
Lebron being the good kid he was ,and in my opinion still is, has done damn near everything that was asked of him. He has done his best to live up to our impossible standards of excellence. He did one JUST ONE! thing that people didn't like. He decided to do what he wanted instead of living up to everyone else's expectations of what he should have done, and now he is BASKETBALL ENEMY #1. LeBron hasn't killed anyone, raped anybody, gotten a DUI, called 9/11 a government conspiracy, had a string of hookers from here to Timbuktu. All things other professional athletes have done IN THE LAST YEAR! Nope. Not one of those things.
He merely failed to live up to our expectations of what he should be.
Yeah, I can relate to that, I can relate to doing your best to be what other people want you to be and the bar always being just out of reach. I can relate to making a decision and thinking it was the right one only for it to have blown up in your face. I can relate to still trying to do the right thing, and no one noticing because they still want an image as opposed to a person.
LeBron may be a big time, millionaire basketball player but he is also just a 26 year old guy from Ohio. Vandygoddess might just be a little blogger from Nashville/Philly but I'm also a pretty awesome counselor who has had my share in saving people's lives. The point? Both of us are just trying to be the best we can while remaining true to ourselves. Not an easy road to walk.
This is my digital hug to Larger than Life LeBron James from his loyal fan Lil Vandygoddess. I've got your back. Forget the haters.