I hope you all read this. After
livejournal [livejournal.com] closed down their "invite code" system, I got friended by yet another fake journal probably run by someone who desperately needs to get a life. I believe the count on my being friended by fake journals is up to three or four, and from what I hear, it's worse off for a lot of other people.
Let me make it clear to all those reading this right now who wish to play such pranks in the future: you are no better than spammers. Spammers claim free speech, hell, you probably do too...the "right" to shove whatever you want in my face without my express permission. Sadly, the livejournal staff turns a deaf ear and a blind eye to this type of behavior on their system, perhaps because its increasing frequency of occurrence would swamp their support infrastructure.
Is this proper netiquette? I don't think so. There are certain taboos: writing destructive e-mail worms, typing in all caps, accidentally replying to an entire mailing list, and bothering people on livejournal for your own petty amusement.
I therefore appeal to you: stop it immediately, cease and desist. Go out and get a life. This is MY journal, not yours.