Name: Hibiemi
Age: 16
Gender: Female
A few of your strengths: I'm talented XD Well... as I believe myself to be, and as people believe me to be. I'm also very optimistic and upbeat, even if I am feeling low.
A few of your weaknesses: I get upset somewhat easily, I trust people too easily, and sometimes, I'm really clumsy ^^;;
Fears: INSECTS. I TOTALLY am afraid of insects. That, and I'm also afraid of closed spaces O.o and I'm also afraid of people getting angry at me.
Likes: Candies ^_^ Sweet things, happy things, too! And paradoxially, I enjoy rock music. Not just any rock music... metal XD I listen to Metallica and Kittie. I also listen to Nirvana, Alice in Chains, KISS, My Chemical Romance and lots of Visual Kei Jrock.
Dislikes: I hate boredom. And just as much, I hate too much angst or anger. O.o I'm contradicting my taste in music.
High or low self-esteem? High self-esteem! XD I'm almost excessively proud.
Leader or follower? I'd be between those two... I'm perfectly comfortable with either role.
Pessimistic or optimistic? Total optimist XD
High, medium, low or non-existant energy level? Medium energy level X3
Your personality in a word? Bouncy!
Favourite colour: Red! Passionate red!
Favourite episode (explain if possible): I can't really say which... but, I guess it could be that episode where the women are talking about how men reproduce XD
Favourite character: Dita's adorable ♥ Next to her, I like Meia XD
Anything else: Pyoro! XD