May 30, 2011 19:14
Okay, I'm gonna start using this blog to talk about minecraft, and my happenings on the server I play on.
First and foremost: I do not own the server that I play on, SFXworks does *he has a blogspot*
Second of all: Yes, my Minecraft username is Vandigo, someone managed to find this LJ and contact me based SOLELY on that as an assumption, because not once on here do I mention ever playing Minecraft *I don't think*
So . . . Players wandering in here to ask about server related things *because I am an admin* yes, you found me, lol.
I can tell everyone on here, that the server is glitchy, and it does go down sometimes. Just because you can't get in, doesn't mean you were banned. Two people have asked me if they have been banned today *one via Facebook, you can add me there too if you want, if you can find me >D* and I have reason to suspect that the server was just down because some asshat decided to accidentally a map.
If you ask, and I know, I will tell you. If you were banned, and I know why, and you want to know, I will send you a private message, mmkay? Mmkay.
For now, I'm going to try to get on the server to work on my seeeecret.
Yes, I will post pictures of it when it is done.