Volcan's Grave

May 20, 2007 17:53

I woke up again and went out to the lobby where I met the Captain and this extremely cool cat names Mike, who was a crew chief on our voyage.  He was also there when I went to the club the previous night.  We were going to mount. Etna, the resident Volcano in Scaly.  It took us a long time to get there because we didn’t know where we’re going put we followed the brown signs and up and up we went. It was amazing how far up we went, beautiful country side, and some really cool sites, including a house that was overrun by lava that I explored and walked into and took pictures.  after that little adventure we continued up the mountain and to the resort at the top.  In the winter time it’s a fantastic sky resort but all year round the do tours of the volcano.  Due to lack of funds because it was VERY expensive, we were only about to afford the gondola ride to about half way up the mountain.  Mike and I convinced the Captain Sue that we are going to hike future up! lol and so we did! it was super fun! we saw a lot of weird bugs up there and some ghostly sites.  We had a blast! making all sorts of fun jokes and laughing at the reckless nature of our exploration methods.  One included a sign CLEARLY saying that it was dangerous to proceed off the jeep trails, and mike pointed out that they one time you should probably follow a sign would be on top of an active volcano.  WE SO DIDNT we took the shortest path we could to the apparent top, which turned out to be nothing close.  But we spotted something that I said looked like a dragons cave and we decided we'd make for that and WAKE THE DRAGON! and we all laughed, mike said id be a fun guy to drink with.  So up the dangerous path we went, and found our way to the mouth of the dragons cave where it was very hot, and steam was coming out of the ground, we stuck our hands in it and I threw some rocks at the cave hoping to piss the dragon off.  we took a lot of pictures.  and down we went, there was snow all around so we used it to glide down at a run and skid.  very neat.  Afterwards we had some AWESOME cappuccinos at the volcano inn.  And then we dared Sue to not use any gas or breaks on the way down...lol we clearly needed a lot of breaks, however we made it extremely far without any gas.  Another fun filled day.  Later on I explored the base and we ate at Applebee’s and played some pool.  Lots of good times.  Another extremely great day in my Life.
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