Feb 05, 2005 01:06
someone's changed me
something's saved me
and this is who i am
although i was blinded
my heart let me find out
that truth makes things better
i didn't notice
that you were right in front of me
our masks of silence
we'll put away so we can see
I stole this from someone. and I thought I'd do it because I was bored as hell. I'm watching Conan and he's talking about chocolate Lucky Charms. YUM! I heart Lucky Charms and now they come in chocolate? man. that is hot. insanely hot. I totally want to try that, lol. Conan was saying how he tried them, ate 6 bowls of it and got high. lol, love Conan. he's funny as hell, even though he's like way eratic and over the top with his crazy irishness. still love him. now for survey....
wearing: an LHS hoodie, my lovely striped Abercrombie PJ pants and my Tiffany bracelet
hair: crazy curly but pulled back
eating/drinking: hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps
thing last said: I said goodnight to my dog :)
last website visited: fictionpress
what i should be doing: I dunno, something productive
currently playing: Chevelle
did today: slept real late, read a little, watched a little TV, wrote a little
last showered: uh, about 7:30 this evening
went to bed/woke up: uh... probably 7 AM/2 PM
last read: White Oleander by Janet Fitch
last tv watched: I'm watching Conan right now, but I muted it
last movie seen: Breakfast at Tiffany’s
looking forward to: my birthday! it’s on the 12th
favorite person of the day: no one
worst part of the day: all of it
best part of the day: avoiding my mother
ate today: ravioli, cake, grape soda and yummy alcoholic hot chocolate
doing today: uh, what?
last thing(s) bought: I dunno. it’s been a while since I’ve bought anything and paid for it myself
in your bag: my debit card, my ID, change, lip gloss, a pen, a tiny notebook, hair bands and probably some bobby pins