A Bevfestivus for the rest of us, and by rest of us, I mean Drew and I.

Dec 19, 2006 14:13

So a lot has happened.

Tony and I broke up. It sucked at first, but I've realized it really wouldn't have worked out. It really clicked for me when he started treating me like crap right after we broke up. He freaked out at me right before he left for PASIC (this big percussion deal in Texas) for five days. Those five days he was gone really helped me have closure and to pretty much get over him. Then like a week after we broke up, he started being a huge jerk. He defriended me on MySpace and Facebook. I was like, "Wow, how old are we again?" We haven't talked since, and I feel bad about it, but believe me, I am not losing sleep over it. I've really gotten to the point where if some guy is gonna treat me like a totally turd, he is definitely not worth my time.

Steve Holden and I started dating. I liked him last year during MCP, and to be honest with you, I could not be happier. He treats me like a princess, and he always lets me know he appreciates me by just doing little things. It was kind of cool to not have go through the whole awkward we don't really know eachother that well and have to get to know eachother phase because we'd already been really close friends. This is the first time in a while I've been confident that I wouldn't get hurt because I know Steve would never do that to me. He was there for me for two break-ups, and he's just such an amazing guy. He told me he's liked me since April. I thought that was pretty cute. :D

MCP has started. A bunch of new people joined, and they're all pretty sweet. Between the awesome music, sweet drill, and really cool people, I am really excited for this season.

On a kind of crappy note, I don't think I'll be continuing at Central next year. I'm just finding myself really unhappy, and I sometimes feel like I'm not getting the best education for what I want to go into (law). The only things keeping me at Central right now are the awesome people in drumline, and the couple Livonia kids who also went. I'm leaning towards either University of Detroit Mercy, MSU, or Oakland University next year. I need to go in to school to get my high transcripts tomorrow, and then I need to apply to schools.

My mom and I decided we're going to re-do my room. I'm pretty excited. We're going to go hit up IKEA after Christmas. I'm thinking of getting a loft with sofa bed underneath (softer and more comfortable than a futon), hanging TV stand, laptop table/desk (smaller than a regular desk), bookcase, and wardrobe deal. We're probably going to take out my closet doors and maybe knock out the shelf that's in there. We're also going to re-paint my walls. It's gonna be dope.

Well, today I need to go try to sell my old trumpet, finish up some Christmas shopping, and hang out with Steve, so I better roll.

Main office out.
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