Today is Better... in ways :)

Jan 21, 2009 19:34

Lot less Cam-Drama today, hurray hurrah!!

Had some family silliness to spice up our morning, had Lani and I hopping around midway through our morning exercise to make sure everyone got where they needed to be on time. I honestly don't know how that girl managed without Lani around for so long. Lani points out that she WAS always late, so maybe she just didn't manage at all! :)

Spent some time thinking about character concepts, have been doing that occaisionally as I am want to do. (I know I'm a geek, but I'm ok with that.) Lani has been helping me out, telling me I need to try and focus not on the mechanics, not even on the concept, but on a personality that I want to play. Unfortunately, she hasn't been able to give me any idea's of good personalities to try out. We've decided that I've forayed into Brash and confident.. but that I don't feel I do a good job and she feels I do. I've played 'stick in the mud', we both agree on that. I'm not certain I want to play 'slow thinking' for a long period of time, and other than those things, we haven't much been able to come up with any other options... If you have any, speak up for goodness sake!! :)

Played some WoW. Almost 76, rawr!!

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