Those Who Can-Do, Those Who Can't-Teach, & Then There's Parents

Aug 23, 2008 23:07
Texting ... it's a way of life for most teenagers but it normally doesn't involve their teachers.
This wasn't the case for a 15-year-old girl in Sacramento County, California. It all started when her mother discovered a startling text message on her cell phone. According to local reports, the text message said, “I don't want her to find out, I don't want her to get hurt. I need to meet with you."
After discovering this text message, her mother immediately took the phone away and checked her cell phone records from the past six months. The records revealed that her daughter had received texts and calls from what appeared to be a male teacher's cell phone number. In addition, one call showed that he called her at midnight and they stayed on the phone for 30 minutes.
Despite her protests, her daughter she still remained in class with the teacher.
Last June, her mother called and complained to the school about it. She later received a letter from the school district acknowledging that the male teachers conduct was unprofessional. The superintendent also apologized for the teacher's behavior and said that the letter would go into his file and an additional occurrence would warrant further disciplinary action.
Not surprisingly, this wasn't enough for the mother. She'd like him to be punished more severely.
A local television station tried to contact the teacher but no immediate response was received. According to reports, the school district has recently taken action, to possibly remove her from the class.

Hey, they say age doesn't matter. Another example of parents taking shit WWWAAAYYY too far. Their daughter is having sex with a teacher, so what? She's growing up, don't parents WANT their kids to act more mature? I think the best teacher to have a relationship with would have to be the Sex Ed Teacher, 'cause that dude has to KNOW IT ALL. I was told by someone last year about a student who was in a fast food joint, was ordering, and got capped by three other guys. He was killed because they thought he was someone else. Now what does this story have to do with this teacher story?

One simple thing.

There are kids doing WWWAAAYYY worse things than having sex. Sex can be intimate. Especially if you really really love the person. On a more personal note, I don't believe in love anymore, but hey, this is The Passion, I've gotta stick with the morals I slated in the beginning. Anyway, this kid was killed because other kids were in a gang. As I said, there are way worse things kids are doing than having sex, and at least she's doing it with someone who's older, meaning, someone who COULD take care of her financially if she got pregnant. As opposed to, say, some Jock who's addicted to Crystal Meth. My argument may sound a bit off, but it's still true. And you KNOW it. Now, drinking and getting into car accidents, drugs and overdosing, killing eachother with weapons, these are all way worse things. There was somewhere at a school recently where it came out that a group of girls made a bet of who could get pregnant first.

Why was that bad?

They wanted to have a child. That says to me, "I'm ready for responsibility" because they CHOSE it was what they wanted, and it didn't just happen by accident. Now yeah, the parents should be a bit ashamed, but hey, girls have to grow up sometime or another, am I right? Don't actually attempt to answer that, rhetorical. By the way, parents and the media and the school all attempt the same thing, don't they?

"Grow up! Make your own decisions!"

And then they get pissed when we try? They also say we have to learn from our mistakes, and then get mad about THAT as well! Parents are like cops, they will go back on rules they made, especially if it helps their own case. I'm sick of kids getting a bad wrap. All this girl did was attempt something new, she was testing out the waters, get OFF HER MOTHER FUCKING BACK.

And by the way, I think I can point something out with my usual flawless logic.

Her mother takes her cell phone away and checks for other messages. That's as bad as reading through her diary. Invasion of personal space. No WONDER this girl did what she did. Who WOULDN'T have? I have almost NO respect for mothers anymore, after the last 7 months. And with good reason, you're sure. The only thing I can say is that maybe if parents paid more attention to their own children then to those of the children in the media, we'd be in a much better world.

You know I'm right. Deal with it.

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