Mayan Calendar Predicts 2012 End Of The World...That & Alot Of Pot Smoking

Jul 17, 2008 18:02

Apparently, the world is going to end in 2012.
And apparently, I'm a guy!

Oh my god!

STOP FUCKING WITH PEOPLE. Look, first off, I looked this shit up, let's start at the beginning. At about 30 CE, some douchebag stated this:
The second coming of Jesus Christ would mean the end of the world.
That was the 30th year of the world.
Between then, and about 1990, this guy was followed by a large group of other douchebags saying the same thing, but with different predictions. But let's skip ahead to the times we're more familiar with. Yall remember back in 2000, or 1999, when they said that the world would be brought to it's knees because of Y2K? Yeah. Didn't happen. Then, right around the beginning of 2006, they stated that the world would soon end because of Global Warming. Guess what. It's 2008. I'M WRITING THIS AND YOU'RE READING IT. World didn't fuckin' end. And now of course people have latched onto some new number, which is 2012. There are people who believe that in 2012, the world will in fact, end. First off, check this site out, it states all the events and years these FAILED predictions were made:
And now, here's the thing I find stupid. In a video ( it is stated that 900000000 years ago, Merlin & 3 greek philosophers of 3000 years ago wrote a prophecy about the end. First off. WE ARE IN YEAR 2008. THERE HAS BEEN NO YEAR 3000!!! And secondly, there's the fact that Merlin...jesus christ, Merlin IS NOT REAL. Here's Wikipedia's definition:
Much Arthurian fiction includes Merlin as a character.
FICTION means FAKE. Get it FUCKIN' right people! For gods sakes, Merlin was in Disney's "Sword In The Stone"! Nothing in Disney is true! If that is, am I to believe that my toys can actually get up and walk around? NO!

Nothing happened in any of those years, and nothing will happen in 2012, not a single damn thing. Global Warming hasn't killed us yet, Y2K didn't even EXIST. The end of the world is true, but these are things we made up. We make them up. We freak ourselves out. It's the same reason people need to believe in Heaven. Something to look forward to. The only difference is the entire world is depressed and they think "Hey, it's something to look forward to!" I mean for gods sakes people, get a grip! We make this shit up as a way to cope every morning when we get up and realize that without the end of the world, or your religion or whatever, there really IS nothing more to life! And yeah, eventually the world will explode, killing everything in it's asteroid belt, and yes, that includes Earth as well. THERE'S EVEN A FUCKING WEBSITE.

This is from that site:
"From now until the latter part of 2008, many prophecies are going to begin to be fulfilled, especially the Seven Thunders of the Book of Revelation, which the apostle John saw but was restricted from recording. Those thunders are revealed in this book, as well as detailed accounts of the final three and one-half years of man's self-rule on earth, which are recorded in the account of the Seventh Seal of Revelation."

Um, do I even have to ATTEMPT to tear that one a new hole? I think it does a pretty good job of doing it well unto itself. Such as saying that many prophecies are going to be fulfilled, especially the Seven Thunders of the Book of Revelation, which the apostle John saw but was restricted from recording. But then it says that those thunders are revealed in this book. HOW ARE THEY REVEALED IF HE NEVER RECORDED THEM?! NOBODY KNOWS WHAT THE FUCK THEY ARE! Nobody reads between the lines, NOBODY questions things anymore, not one god damn person thinks about this shit! This is why we have this inane superstitious bastards running around out there like fuckin' MORANS letting this shit get published! With NO explanation!

Again, read between the lines people.

One last mission for you. Next time you're at your computer, go to wikipedia and type in 2012. When you get there, it will have a list of predicted future events on the dates listed. Between them, on November 16th, they will launch a DirecTv satellite. THE WORLD MAY BE ENDING IN 2012, BUT AT LEAST THE ROACHES CAN WATCH "HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER"! Not to mention the 2009 movie they're making based on this. Kinda like the Global Warming movie they made, "The Day After Tomorrow"!

For gods sakes.

Alright, I think I've covered all the ground I'm gonna cover for today.
I'll leave ya with that.
I'm gonna take a shit.
Like the internet just did on my computer.

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