Tramp Stamps

Apr 07, 2008 07:17
As if it isn't already difficult enough to keep kids dressing (and looking) like ... well ... kids, Toys R Us has added some fuel to the fire.
In addition to selling gumballs and stickers in their vending machines, the stores now also sell lower-back temporary tattoos, sometimes known as "tramp stamps." Yes, for a mere 50 cents your li'l girl can look like she's all grown up--and then some. Would you let your daughter wear a temporary lower-back tattoo?

I'm going to state something personal about myself before I start in on this. I have been called a Liberal. Here's the definition for those who don't know what it means (AKA REPUBLICANS).
Liberalism refers to a broad array of related ideas and theories of government that consider individual liberty to be the most important political goal.
YEP, that's all there is to it. And, for that matter, I have been known to tackle most political issues where I usually take the so-called "Liberal Hardline" against it. Like the law of smoking. I don't smoke, but if I wanted to open an all smoking bar with a sign on the front announcing that's what it is, and telling people that if they don't like smoke to stay away, then WHY can't I do that? Exactly my liberal point. Now, as for being a Liberal, I am also a Democrat. However, this clashes with the Republican views I have sometimes. I believe family values should be around still and that kids are fucking sickening now (as this article TOTALLY proves). So I'm not sure you can be a Republican and Liberal at the same time, I think that contradicts that laws of fucking physics. That would make me, ultimately, a...a repuberal. I guess. POINT. My point is this, because I am a liberal, I am always open to new ideas and experiences. Bondage for one, as I am about to admit to the community I have been a part of for nearly 4 years, is a STRONG interest of mine. The idea, theory, and concept of S&M fascinates me to no fucking end. No pun intended with "fucking" and "S&M". But it's true. It is, and it DOES. The reason is because if you never try something, then how will you know if you like it or not?
For example of "body art", when my girlfriend turns 18, she intends on getting pierced. I have never been too big a fan of piercing, or smoking for that matter, BUT, I am NOT the kind of guy who will go around and tell people, "Oh you're pierced,disgusting!" or "you smoke! gross!" Because who am I to tell them how to live their life? I'm not catholic. I'm can't DO that. But here's an idea of what she wants (not the actual thing because I couldn't find the original image, but it's pretty dang close to this).

Yeah, it's not my type of thing (and I'm not even that into pierced chicks in general), HOWEVER, I am interested in what it would be like, and so I encourage it. I think it would be cool, and if she enjoys it, then that's awesome. Liberal. Open to new ideas. My brother has a tattoo on both arms. On one, he has a robin, and on the other arm a robot version. F'ing AWESOME too, I would really love to put an image up for yall to gander at. Same thing with tattoos, I could never do that or get pierced, but if it makes other people happy then who am I to argue against it right? Forward thinking people are what can fix this world. Which, liberal, republican democrat, whatever you are, we can ALL agree surely that it needs saving. So my gf also wanted/wants to get a tattoo, but maybe a blacklight one so it's only visible under, well, a blacklight. But my gf also isn't 11! She's 17. Even though she ACTS like an 11 year old, don't be confused by her lack of maturity. I love her for that. Now, we get back to the entire point I was trying to make in the beginning!
I, being a liberal, am open to trying new things, tattoos, bondage, piercings, whatever. But this is where my Republican side comes out when I say THIS IS FUCKING STUPID! What the FUCK kinda good parent, setting an example of getting their 11 year olds tattoos on their ass?! First off, just start with the idea of how that conversation goes:
DAUGHTER:Mom, can we go to the toy store?
MOM:Sure honey, what is it you want?
DAUGHTER:Well, I want a new coloring book, and a rose put on my thigh
How the hell do you handle that kind of thing? Then you have a kid coloring in pictures of princesses at balls while she's got a tattoo on her thigh. She's like an 11 year old hooker!
Every now and again, I will come across an article where it's even, as good as I have become at it, hard for ME to make a satire out of it. In the 3rd season of this journal, I did one about brail tattoos, where blind people started getting tattoos made of brail. Again, tattoos, but again it's that same thing. It was so stupid, like, normally that would be a joke for me. You could see me just making a joking statement such as, "What's next, braille/little kid tattoos? Ha ha!" But both of these are so stupid I can't even satire it! That's how bad it is! And when it gets to that point, where something is SOOOO dumb that even MARK WILAND cannot make a joke about it, then you KNOW the world has become SHIT! COMPLETE AND UTTER SHIT! I don't want my daughter (theoretical) to come home with a tattoo on her ass of a unicorn! "Look what I got dad, a hannah montana poster AND a tattoo!" Find out later that she's masturbating by shoving her flute from band up her pussy. Not cool.
And now, the comments section where I put comments from the article! Joy!
JEAN-I think temporary tattoos for kids are just as bad an idea as candy cigarettes were when we were growing up. C’mon you guys! Ridiculous!
LISA-I agree with jean-not only is it a bad influence, it numbs kids judgments about what’s appropriate or not.

All I'm saying is that I have complete immunity. I can say whatever I want and not get attacked, because I'm both republican, liberal AND democrat. So I'm covered all the way through and through. And the way I see it, I'd be better at raising your kids than YOU would be. Stick THAT on your ass and tattoo it.

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