I've recently been subject to all sorts of ND rhetoric since they got picked (note, I didn't say earned) by the Fiesta Bowl. So, in response I'm posting this.
First, a couple disclaimers. I have no issue with the university as a whole. I think ND is a fine university that churns out fine graduates every year. I do, however, think that ND football thrives under smoke and mirrors.
So, without further ado, why ND football sucks!
1. Fantasy vs. Reality: First the fantasy- ND football stands for the highest morals, is clean, and is the epitome of what every program should be. Now, reality- Kim Dunbar, numerous rapists, and about 100 stories I've heard from St. Mary's students that would make some porno seem like church.
2. "We won't join your conference, but we'll take your bowls."- WVU head coach Rich Rodriguez was absolutely right when he called BS on ND taking Big East bowls. Big East teams who had good seasons deserve those bowls as of RIGHT, and should not be subject to a ND team that refuses to join its conference usurp its best bowls. What a joke.
3. More bowl BS. Last I checked, you earn your sport's highest stage by what you do on the field and not by how much money you rake in. Yeah, I know ND got an auto bid this year, which will be discussed later, but teams like Oregon, who finished HIGHER in the BCS get screwed, Big East teams get screwed anytime ND gets 8 wins, and any bowl ND gets is earned by money, not by merit. I will go on record as saying that ND does not deserve a BCS bid this year. WHO DID THEY BEAT TO MERIT A BCS BID? ABSOLUTELY NOBODY- THEIR SCHEDULE SUCKED.
4. BCS BS- If you choose to remain independent, you should not be allowed to shirk the negatives and keep the positives. As such, teams that are not in a conference should not have an opportunity for an automatic bid. JOIN A CONFERENCE OR LOSE THIS PRIVILEGE. As for at-large bids, they should get one based on merit, not on name or money. ND is like the Paris Hilton of college football- gets everything by a famous name, not based on what they deserve based on merit. There's also the money situation. I have no problem with them receiving a full share of BCS money if they make a BCS bowl. They should NOT receive BCS money for not being in a BCS bowl. Why? They're not a conference team!
http://www.nd.edu/~observer/09131999/Inside/0.html- Read this. This is just a diatribe of some bitter and arrogant bitch with a silver spoon shoved so far up her ass she needs a crowbar to remove it. Having actually attended that game in 1999, let me tell the real story of that game. First, Purdue does not, and never has had, 96 cheerleaders. Second, ROSS-ADE STADIUM WAS LOUD AS HELL THAT DAY. Third, we were singing "Hail Purdue" what seemed like every 5 minutes. Four, every school has its share of idiots; ND is no exception. Finally, this entire article smacks of arrogance. What this bitch needs to realize is that ND ISN'T BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE!!! This article perfectly embodies the arrogance that causes so many people to hate Notre Dame (more on this later.)
6. The "Reversible Jacket" Phenomenon and the "Hibernation" Phenomenon
The reversible jacket phenomenon is unique to the state of Indiana. It goes like this- ND football fan, IU basketball fan. Yeah, you morons really love Notre Dame. If these people truly love Notre Dame, then follow ND basketball as well. Don't be bandwagonning frontrunners. Related to basketball is the "Hibernation Phenomenon." It goes like this. ND fans come out during football season, run their mouths. Then football season ends, and they disappear off the face of the earth. But what about ND basketball? Surely they love ND so much they follow ND basketball once football season is over? Nope!!!!
7. The arrogance factor
As mentioned in #6, a lot of ND fans are arrogant as hell. Another disclaimer is I don't believe that EVERY ND fan is arrogant as hell. I happen to know a couple that are good people. However, there are PLENTY of ND fans that think they are better than everyone else just because they are ND fans and make sure they let fans of every other school know about it, which is amazing because they haven't even won a bowl game in over a decade.
8. A problem with telling time.
For the love of God, nobody gives a rat's ass about what happened decades ago, and it certainly has no bearing on what happens now. STOP LIVING IN THE PAST!!! YOU HAVEN'T WON A BOWL IN OVER A DECADE!!!
9. "Everyone who hates ND is just jealous."
This may be the biggest joke I've ever seen. Nobody is jealous of ND. Everyone just hates ND due to the number of arrogant pricks, the fact they get bowls without earning them, and because of the fact that their "holier than thou" attitude is extremely hypocritical.
10. "You're Catholic, how can you hate ND?"
1) Since when is there a rule that says all Catholics must root for ND. I've gone to Purdue and MSU, and will proudly bleed gold/black and green/white for the rest of life. 2) If I'm going to root for a small Catholic college, I'll root for one that doesn't have the factors mentioned above. Gonzaga seems like a good candidate.
Got a problem with this? Make a comment, but you know that everything I've said here is true.