Oct 17, 2003 08:28
Ok i'm writing this entry early in the morning. I just got off work so i'm freaking worn out but of course i can't sleep right now and heres why, and if you don't give a shit well then suck my ______ ! I ended up not geting asleep yesterday until like 2:30 or so and ended up sleeping til 3:38 which is about 15 mins before i need to leave for work. So neededless to say i was rushing and gfeting ready and found myself being wide awake. Which anyone should be after geting more than 12 hours of sleep damnit. So right now i'm thinking i'll go into the bank deposit some checks, maybe acutally eat, another thing that seems to be missing alot from my routines. HA oh well life goes on and another tv show comes along ya know. speaking of tv shows, I'm really in the mood to watch Saved By the Bell. Yeah yeah kiss my white ass, that show fucking kicked so much ass, i learned all about highschool before evening being there myself. If ti wasnt for Zack, Kelly, Slater, Screech, Jesse and Lisa i'd never have known what to expect. Like those social interactions with friends at the bottom of the stiars and discussing the big major problem of the day... who will it ake to the school dance.. oh no! OR what about things like oh no so and so my best friend is totally addicted on caffine pills.. what will i ever do, i'm so scared for her or him. I say her or him cause ya know we all got firends of both sexes.. speaKing of sex.. no i won't go there.. not yet but you all wait and see!