Aug 06, 2009 17:58

There are a few good reasons I am never online anymore.

1. My job... I sit at work nine hours a day in front of a computer cracking away at codes and websites and content and ctrl c, ctrl v, OH GOD CTRL Z!!! It's enough to make a girls head explode. The last thing I want to do when I come home is sit in front of ANOTHER machine.
2. I was being a cheapskate. I didn't want to pay the cashola for an internet connection of my own, so I was sailing the open seas of local internet connections in my area. Pirating was fun and proved successful for awhile- Until the net connection we had grown to depend on suddenly disappeared. Following this, we had another connection that only worked from a spot under the window on the living room floor.
3. I'm knocked up. I'm tired before, during and after work EVERY SINGLE DAY. Being green with nausea and exhausted 100% of the time, I found that coming home, stripping to undies and laying belly up on the couch until bedtime was the best "morning" sickness remedy this side of ginger ale or suicide.

With that said, I finally quit being a cheap ass and bought my own net. Of course, just my luck, the internet provider I went with doesn't sell wireless modems... They hooked it up directly to my cable. In the living room.. And now the ONLY place we can use the net HERE is on the coffee table on my mother-effing-living-room-floor. (Yes, I'm getting a router. I'm not paying bookoo bucks every month to be stuck on the floor.)

In update news. I am three (four months on Tuesday) months pregnant.

Ultrasounds are amazing.. Still haven't heard the heartbeat, but I've seen it (which was also amazing.) I get serious butt cramps, morning sickness is a bitch, being tired all the time and feeling like I have a constant hangover (without the fun of earning it) BLOWS, but I'm due February 5 and that makes it allllll worth it.

Work is work is work. Got a raise which OWNS. Going to California on Wednesday to see my family (which also owns) and I'm more excited than I can tell you. Life is interesting and new but at times can feel like the ever loving suck. All in all, I am happy and getting through this with my eye on the prize.

This is an update. Smile, cause I don't know when you'll get another.

If you've read this far, I love you. Seriously. Good show, brother!

NOW. On to dinner.
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