Dollar Giant

Feb 13, 2010 18:26

What's the deal with Dollar Giant nowadays? A few weeks ago I went to the one sort of near Kingsway and Victoria and mostly everything was $1. I happened to pick up these amazing baby links there, and was shocked that they were exactly the same as the one's at Shopper's Drugmart but instead of being $8.99 they were $1. I wasn't going to buy them because I was sure they weren't BPA free but then LO AND BEHOLD they had a sticker on them that said "BPA free." Holy crap. I bought them and now they are my kid's favorite thing ever, so I need more. I went to the Dollar Giant on the drive today to get more and they didn't have any (sadly) but I noticed that the store said that everything was $1.25.

So I ask you:

1. Do all the Dollar Giant's in the city have different prices?
2. Have you seen these rings anyway at a Dollar Giant near you?

3. Do you think these things really don't have BPA in them, or do you think the sticker just says that because they know people won't buy baby shit with BPA in it?
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