protesters rant

Feb 13, 2010 11:56

I am sure I am going to get a shitstorm of replies to this so I made sure to turn off emailing comments. I'll ready everything later online but I don't want my Blackberry going all crazy today with email notifications. Now down to business.

I am ok with free speech. Yes you have the right to protest just as I have the right to say that the stupid violent protesters are a bunch of idiots. I have nothing against peaceful protest. But seriously you protesters that were downtown today...


You chose to vandalise private property. Yes the Bay is a store but every store is private property that they choose to let the public into. Seriously do you really think that smashing the windows and spashing it with red paint, knocking over newpaper boxes and spray painting cars is going to make the Olympics go away? That VANOC and the IOC are going to say "Oh, we're sorry. We'll just cancel everything and tell everyone to go home"

What's even worse if every one of them has chosen to conceal their identity. They are willfully committing a crime by the act of vandalism and don't have the balls to do it out in the open. Like the old theme from Baretta says "Don't do the crime if you can't to the time".

I saw a bit of the video and not all the protesters participated in the violent and didn't conceal themselves. I at least congratulate you for having the balls that the other protesters do not.
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