Jun 04, 2010 03:33
It's funny. Every night if I'm the last one to come back, my mom nags me about whether I close the door, closed the gate properly, let the dogs out, make sure the gate's closed, make sure the door's locked, make sure the gate's closed, and everything else.
Every. Fucking. Night.
Or anytime the dogs are out in the garden or... AND SO ON!
And yet, today, the dogs got loose. And it was my DAD who didn't close the gate properly. After the both of them nagging me a great many many times about EVERYTHING, he's the one who slips up.
And the best part is, he only found out the dogs were gone 2 hours later when the maid went outside and saw the gate ajar.
And the first thing that he assumes is that I turned off the gate while he was still closing it. Sigh...
He had the keys... He was closing the gate... I heard him mentioning that he was letting the dogs out into the garden and I just went upstairs...
And now out of sheer paranoia of not having guard dogs in the garden, my mom has elected to keep the really really BRIGHT SPOTLIGHTS permanently on tonight. These spotlights are so bright that they shine directly into the neighbouring houses on ALL THREE SIDES of this house!
I wonder if she scolded my dad and nagged him like she would have if I had let the dogs loose.
I also wonder how long it'll take for the neighbours to be fed-up of having spotlights shine directly into their windows.
PS Huh, it looks like one of my parents turned the spotlights off whilst I was in the middle of typing this post.