Pushing Quality TV

Mar 05, 2013 18:51

I'm watching re-runs of Pushing Daisies on the Chiller network and I'm finding myself thinking "Why didn't this show last?"  It's colorful, quirky, and... dare I say it... UNIQUE!

If there's one thing that I've complained about in the past about TV and Hollywood is the lack of creativity.  Daisies had that.  A man with the ability to bring the dead back to life for just a minute.  Solving murders with that ability.  Bringing the girl he loves back to life and circumventing the one-minute rule.  Oh, and he is a pie maker and has a shop called The Pie Hole.  There was nothing else on TV like it.

And it was cancelled after only two seasons.

We, as a society, clamor for new, but apparently all we want are the same old tripe.  Talent shows judged by three judges that eliminates contestants every week (Dancing with the Stars, American Idol, ,Face-Off, America's Got Talent, Project Runway).  Another new police procedural (Elementary, Hawaii 5-0, CSI, CSI #2, CSI #3, Law & Order, Law & Order #2, Law & Order #3).

Once again, I blame society.
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