So I just watched a movie called Karla starring Misha Collins as....a rapist and murderer. Im very conflicted. Idk who im mad at. Misha for playing in tht role or tht it was a true story.
Ive never seen Misha play in another role other than Castiel and I wish I could erase it from my mind. It is so different reading fanfiction where someone gets raped and they dnt go into detail or they do and your're just like it'll all be fixed soon! But then watching this movie it reminds me that most of these cases in real life dnt happen like tht. Idk I feel dirty and sick! Like this is real and I dnt know how I feel! Maybe I'm reading or rather looking to much in to it but no. These things happen and it pisses me off!! feeling low :'/ I shouldnt have watched tht movie. It wasnt even tht good (sorry misha bad acting sometimes) but it makes me question this world and humanity! It makes me think...did this women have physchiotic problems. We dk if she lying or not! we cnt know.
anyways wut do u guys think?
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