Apr 25, 2007 19:47
Prepare to experience some serious ranting. Also beware of run-on sentences, horrible punctuation, and an abundance of curse words. My apologies.
OK. Here goes...
I am extremely frustrated with my current situation. I find myself thinking of really awful things to do to the people who live in my building. Because I loathe them and they make me miserable. I would like to take a baseball bat the the radio in the bathroom. I would also like tell most of my professors to fuck fucking off, because I have a keen feeling that they don't have a damned clue what they are talking about. I would also like my bad luck to come to an end, thank you.
I find everything infinitely more irritating than I should. The little things that certain people do (namely my roommate) make me positively homicidal. The thought of living on this campus for another year terrifies and sickens me and the fucking wankers that are supposed to be handling the inquiries into my studying abroad have dropped the ball and are telling me nothing, so there goes that plan of escape. Not that I can afford to go the UK anyway.
I would desperately like to live by myself. Entirely. I may annoy myself quite a lot, but being in the constant presence of another human being is just irritating. Attempting to take a nap to the tune of the Simple Life... fucking annoying as hell. And I am bloody sick of not being able to just have a fucking beer in my own space without worrying about RAs. I don't like that fucking firemen are able to come into my room whenever they please and look about the place. And I am sick of being forced to be social, and of being chastised for not wanting to hang out with the people on campus. They are fucking idiots and I detest them. What am I meant to talk about anyway? Honestly.
More important than all of that, possibly, is my frustration with my major. Which I am nearly certain that I now despise. All of the romance of design has been completely obliterated and all I'm left with is incompetent teachers, never-ending projects, and classmates that can't tell their collective asses from a tea kettle. I don't want a meaningful career. I don't want to take work home and think about work when I'm not working. I want a meaningless, mind-numbing, 9-5 job sorting something or putting something together.
Do you think Pez dispensers are assembled by hand?
Only a few more weeks here and then it's back to Naugatuck. Which is a blessing and a curse, I suppose. Less work. More irritations. The general point that can be gathered from all of this: I am miserable everywhere I go and no change of major, living situation, or geographical location is going to make a difference.