Deep thoughts. Why do I dance?
Most people dance because they like moving and music, dancing combines the two. Some people dance so they can perform and in performing get a lot of attention or be the centre of attention. Some people dance because they love the costumes or accessories.
I am still working on why I like dancing. Does it satisfy some sad deep part of me to be up in front of an audience shaking my ass for attention? Does it just give me another outlet for dressing up in fun costumes? Do I wish I was someone else and I am acting it out on the stage?
I really admire people who can put a tonne of energy and time and effort into becoming a beautiful athletic skilled dancer. I know for a fact that I can't spend that much time on it. Never mind not being very athletic to begin with. I am too old to be striving for fame. I am not that kind of beautiful that makes for instant appreciation from viewers. I am a compentant dancer but not an awesome one. I can't even remember the names of some of the moves I have been doing for years, silly.
What are my goals with dance? I have no idea. I know it won't go anywhere so it must be that I do it for enjoyment. I love dancing with a group of women doing ATS. I love dancing around a fire at SCA events. I love spending the energy on dancing because it makes me feel like my efforts are worth it. The harder I dance the more relaxed I get and the less stress I feel about people watching. I love the feeling of pulling off a performance and nailing all the things I was aiming for. I love the costumes and the feeling pretty.
So where am I going with this? I dunno. Just thinking about dancing and me. Mira Betz got the question going in my head at Cues and Tattoos last March so it percolates.