Blogging Grog

Jul 12, 2008 18:24

I wanted to post this.  Maybe someone else has invented a recipe like this, but until I see someone else's recipe, I am calling it mine.  This drink kicks butt.  I will be making it for my next cookout.

Captain's Select Grog

1) Ginger simple syrup (make simple syrup from sugar - heat up some slices of ginger)

2) Citrus - I use a mix, possibly including lime, lemon, Valencia oranges, blood oranges, grapefruit, tangerines.  Whatever you got.  I usually make my drink a little more orange heavy.

3) Rum - I like black strap rum for this drink, but if you were to use dark sugar (brown sugar or the like) to make the simple syrup above, you could use a lighter rum.

4) Carbonated water.  La Crikes! or something like that.

I usually mix these until they taste good.  I think it is about 1:1:1:1 of all the ingredients.  But I will make it soon.  At that time I will post the actual proportions I used.

The easy version:

Substitute strong ginger ale, like Reed’s, for the Ginger simple syrup and carbonated water above.  It is still pretty good if you do this, but I don’t think it is quite as good.  Plus, you aren’t really showing you are committed to the drink if you do cop-outs like this.  But yeah, in a pinch, this’ll do.

recipes, drinks

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