Jan 27, 2012 15:43
I figured I'd just rip back into it. I might can even manage this on my phone at times, not sure yet.
I guess what's on my mind right now is that Jeremiah just had his foot surgery yesterday, and it's causing him catastrophic pain. And we're supposed to go up to RedBug (Julia's husband Nick's family property near Valley, AL) next week and visit, sort of meeting in the middle as Julia lives in Huntsville at present. And she is supposed to be bringing Jessie down with her. But I'm thinking right now that Jay is going to be in such pain still by next week as to not be able to travel.
Yesterday I went to that Harmonex place in Dothan to be evaluated for participation in a bipolar study there, they'll be giving me some drug called Latuda in conjunction with Lithium to try and control my dramatic mood cycles.