No Westport this week, no Bingo, great Going-away party

Aug 13, 2007 22:43

Ran in the morning for about an hour which made me feel really good

stuck at the house as Rose had to cancel Westport

Unpleasant and short phone-conversation with Vikkie: I dedicate this song to you: "Cold hard bitch, by Jet"

No bingo with V's grandma on Wednesday as she did not want her granddaughter to feel uncomfortable. I truly understand her reasoning but that still causes me to miss out on it.

Set up a meeting with Emily (yes!!) tomorrow 3:30pm

Chaz had a hard time getting the parts for his truck and was unfortunately not able to finish the spring-exchange job on his brother's car

Tonight, that was true friendship. Justin's friends had a going away party and I spontaneously decided to join them as I had done nothing within the day before.

We played taboo and pictionary. Outside we had a fire and  a game of horseshoes has been set up. I instantly felt how pleasant the conversation with Jacky (very cute girl, Italian roots) and Johan: (German roots) were. The way we sat around the fire .. there was just this feeling of belonging and community which I have barely felt before. So we talked and joked, Justin melted some more innocent plastic bottles with a hot iron until it got dark and started to rain again.

IBack inside again we only had 20 more minutes until ten, representing the deadline for the party. Everyone just started to describe the common experience and marks in the community room and although everyone denied it, there was an emotional undertone to it. Jackie seemed to feel it the most and tears ran into her eyes. This group grew up together and there was no need in explanation; it was tangible.

The ultimate showdown was outside when a big hugging-fest centering about Brian, Jeff and Johan. Jacky completely cried now and Justin kept playing his role by taking pictures of if :D. . The music from the car "boys of summer" and "teenage Wastland (or wastageß9 by the Who just underlined this memorable moment until finally the cars started rolling out.

I,  the German kid who kinda slips in and out of their lives savored these moments  as I truly know how it feels to leave your beloved ones behind facing the uncertainty you denied until that point. These are good people who instantly took me in as their friends. Justin, Brian and I rode home in Justin's Volvo, each zipping on a Capri-sun listening to Dreamtheatre and the darkness' high-pitched "I believe in the thing called love".
We laughed a lot and I felt truly happy.
 Thank you.

happy, disappointment, party, fun, stuck

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