Its TV and then thats all

Mar 17, 2008 14:50

My week of work for PBS/Comcast is over.

TV seems to be a awful medium. Its amazing any quality shows get produced at all. During the shoot of this thing, The Sharing Show, three hen-like women sat at the back of the room and represented “the money” and they would bark odd suggestions at the directing.

Things like:
“Could he say “share” there instead of tell.”
“Oh! Could we get a little tiny umbrella for this scene”
“Thats crooked. Does that look crooked to you. I think its crooked.”

How every director doesn't end up throttling their producers is beyond me.

I now have a week off before I start Animal Farm and designing Justin's set for his show at the CEC. During this week I need to get off book and decide exactly what Justin, Brendon and I are doing for this years Hotel Obligado fund raiser.

In other news we have our cast for giant squid locked and here is the first round of press stuff:

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