Pics from the show on the 16th: Got basically the whole thing on video but the sound quality was terrible with just a camera right next to the speakers so took the best stills and put them up. It went alright, still need a bit of practice to get things tight and shiny at live speeds (because everything just zooms by on stage), but any sloppiness was more or less covered by a monstrously chunky guitar sound. Playing again on Sunday in Kobe, might get some big pictures or stick the camera by the sound board so it's listenable this time.
I've moved apartments, email me for details, I don't really want to post my address for all to see and for somebody to put to fraudulent use (I have put it up in a friends-only post for anyone with a livejournal). I do have a landline now so you can talk to me relatively inexpensively if you get one of those fancy cards.
This post is sponsored by me having a wii! WIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!